Friday, July 22, 2011

Keep Walking My Days

My baby nephew is 3days new by today.  His daddy has not decided yet on how long his baby's name will be.  I am so mesmerized these few days, despite some disturbing thoughts.  I managed to push away those negative thoughts.  I didn't want the joy to be jeopardized by unwanted things.

My daily routine is rather deflected these few days.  I have been following my parents to the hospital for a couple of days already.  An enormous time is spent on the road, and lethargy sips into our bodies.  I know Ayah & Mak are very tired going here and there these few days, but as parents and now grandparents; they'll do anything.  Understood.  I feel the same way actually.

I snapped some photos of my nephew but I like this one very much, coz I am in red and I look so big and he's so little! Hehehe....

Kenangan2 dengan Luqman - 1 day old.

I also love some photos of my parents taken with Baby Luqman...they look so joyful and enthusiastic.  Ye la kan... happy sebab dapat cucu sulung.

He's just soooo adorable! Aduhai...I think I can melt if he can talk and ask me for anything.  Nasib baik la he's so infant and can't do all that just yet.

I feel so happy for everyone, especially Mak & Ayah.  I can feel the "happy aura" they're carrying along with them these few days.  Luqman has yet to meet his Papa Boy and Uncle Bill, and yet to meet all his uncles and aunties and grandparents from his mummy's side of the family.  Soon, Insya'Allah.

Looking at my parents, I am just happy that they're happy.  I can't give them a grandchild...but it's they have one from my brother...and another one on the way later at year end.  For as long as they're happy, that's the most important thing for me.  As for myself, I'll be that proud Mama Long of the eldest nephew.  Soon, there will be another one.  In the years to come... more in number.  I am contented.  No more questions...what I feel is my right to feel.  No one is to question how I really feel. All I can say now is that I AM HAPPY with the way things are.  As is. Period.  *smile*

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